Co prawda najgorsze mrozy juz minely, ale zima wciaz trwa. Nie jestem ogromna fanka takiej pogody, wiec jutro uciekam do slonecznej Barcelony! Upalow nie bedzie, ale 17 stopni to i tak bardzo cieplo w porównaniu z polskim -1. Bedzie sesja zdjeciowa oraz nowy, ciekawy projekt, zwiazany z blogiem. Do tego oczywiscie troche odpoczynku, ale rowniez nauki, bo zbliza sie sesja. Ale zawsze przyjemniej pouczyc sie na plazy. :D
Zapraszam do sledzenia mojego Instagrama: patty_borkowska oraz Snapchata: patiwalrus, gdzie na pewno znajda sie zdjecia oraz wideo z wyjazdu.
Although it's not as cold as it was some time ago, the winter is still there. I'm not a big fan of such weather, so tomorrow I'm flying to sunny Barcelona! There won't be extremes of heat, but 17 degrees is still very warm, comparing to -1 which is now in Poland. I will make photoshoot there and new, interesting project for my blog. And of course I will chill, stress out and have fun, but I will also study, because I start my University exams soon. But it's always better to study on the beach. :D
Follow my Instagram: patty_borkowska and Snapchat: patiwalrus, where I will post photos and videos from my trip.
coat- Reserved
dress- Zara
high heels- Orsay
necklace- Tiffany & Co.
fot. Marcin Tumasz Emotionimage